As part of ongoing H2020 URBANREC (New approaches for the valorisation of URBAN bulky waste into high added value RECycled products, Grant Agreement No 690103) project we are organising a meeting entitled "International Conference on Bulky Waste Recycling and Reuse Towards Circular Economy" on 26-27 September, 2019 in Izmir, Turkey.

URBANREC project aims to implement an eco‑innovative and integral bulky waste management system and demonstrate its effectiveness in different EU regions: Northern, Mediterranean, Eastern and South‑eastern areas in Europe, represented in URBANREC by 3 EU‑27 countries and Turkey. Creating awareness for public and private sector stakeholders and providing training to relevant authorities on bulky waste management are among the objectives of the URBANREC project.

At the conference, eminent national/international speakers will give seminars on various topics and share their experience with the representatives of local municipalities and Ministry of Environment, private sector employees and academia.



Aysun Sofuoglu holds BSc degree in Chemical Engineering from Istanbul Technical University. She received MSc and PhD degrees in Environmental Engineering from University of Wisconsin at Madison and Illinois Institute of Technology, respectively. Dr. Sofuoglu joined Izmir Institute of Technology in 2000. She has been serving as a full professor since 2013, as founding head of Environmental Research Center since 2007, and as Dean of Graduate School since 2017. Her research interests include pollution prevention, waste management, air pollution, and indoor air quality.
Peter Kurth studied law and political science. He was State Secretary in the Senate Administration for Finance, then Senator in the Senate Administration for Finances. Then, he became a member of the Berlin House of Representatives and of the Executive Board of ALBA AG. Since 2009, he has served as Acting President of the BDE, Federation of the German Waste, Water and Raw Materials Management Industry, and Vice-President of the Fédération Européenne des Activités de la Dépollution et de l´Environnement (FEAD).
Piotr Barczak holds a Master’s degree in Geography specialised in Spatial Management and Regional Development. He worked for the Polish Ministry of the Environment/Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He is now responsible for the waste policy at the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) representing the voice of around 150 national NGOs dealing with environmental protection. He chairs the EEB Waste Working Group which consists of waste experts from Member States with hands-on experience in waste management and prevention measures.
Jean-Benoit BEL
Jean-Benoit BEL
Jean-Benoit is an environmental engineer holding a degree in general engineering from the École Centrale de Lille (France) and a Master degree in environmental engineering from the Technical University of Denmark. He has worked for 9 years for the Paris Region Waste Observatory (ORDIF). He is now a Senior Project Manager and Senior Expert at ACR+, specialised in waste monitoring and benchmarking.
Terry L. TUDOR
Terry L. TUDOR
Terry Tudor is biologist received an MSc in Sustainable Wastes Management from the University of Leeds, and a PhD from the University of Exeter. His PhD focused on sustainable waste management within the National Health Service (NHS) in Cornwall. He joined the University of Northampton (UK), in 2006 as a postdoctoral fellow, and now works as an Associate Professor in Wastes Management. His research and consultancy work focuses around the utilisation of more sustainable/circular approaches within both communities and organisations, globally.
Anne Vandeputte was employed at the Public Waste Agency of Flanders (OVAM) for 39 years as a project manager/policy adviser, playing a key role in the preparation of the Flemish policy on municipal solid and medical waste management by starting up schemes of source separated, extended producer responsibility collection, and creation of a network of reuse centres in Flanders. Involved in EU waste management projects in Hungary, Romania, South Africa, and Greece. She now acts as a Board Member Reuse Shop Hageland.
Nuri Başoğlu is an industrial engineer holding MSc and PhD degrees in Business administration from Istanbul University. He worked as a professor at Bogazici University before joining Izmir Institute of Technology. His research and teaching are in Innovation and Technology Management, New Product/Service Design, Technology Adoption & Diffusion, Innovation process and organizations, e-Health Adoption, Mobile Services, Human-Computer Interaction, Project and Change Management, Simulation and Decision Support Studies.
Goran Schmidt received BSc degree in Wood Science and Forestry Engineering at the University of Hamburg and the Federal University of Paraná, and MSc degree in Wood, Forest & Environmental Sciences at University of Hamburg and Federal University of Amazonas. He now serves as a Research Associate at Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute and about to finish his PhD degree at Universität Hamburg. He coordinates the BioHome project in the Sub-Sahara Program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
José Robles holds a BSc in Industrial Technical Engineering at Polytechnics University, Valencia, Spain. He has been working in different start-up and large medical devices companies with a successful track record of overseeing top management, sales and marketing responsibility positions. Together with other activities, he is now Sales & Marketing Manager for Ecofragmentation Europe S.L., which is leading company partner in URBANREC H2020 project, developing laminating fragmentation technology to separate and obtain homogenous fractions from bulky urban waste components.
Funda Tıhmınlıoğlu received BSc and MSc degrees in Chemical Engineering at Ege University and PhD Degree in Chemical Engineering at Pennsylvania State University. She joined İzmir Institute of Technology in 1998 as an Assistant Professor and works as a full professor since 2009. Her research interests are polymer processing and characterization, recycling, structure-property development for polymer micro and nanocomposite materials systems for various applications.
Ángel is an agronomist engineer from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain). Since 2011 manager of Consorcio Valencia Interior, administration responsible for the management of household waste in 61 municipalities in the province of Valencia. During this period, the Consortium has set up its own domestic waste treatment facilities (€ 40M investment), and completed the network of separate collection points, including a system of personal incentives to separate collection (my Environmental Account).
Koen is an Agricultural Engineer holding a Master degree in Environmental Engineering and a PhD in Applied Biological Sciences from the Catholic University of Leuven. Koen has been working at the Flemish Public Waste Agency since 1997; as a statistician, responsible for the calculation of Flemish waste statistics and administrative process optimization until 2007, then as the lead of Research and Monitoring team, responsible for reporting of waste data and statistics, and for planning of Waste and Materials Department of OVAM.
Franciszek ŁAPECKI
Franciszek ŁAPECKI
Master of Law, Master of Administration, PhD in Law at the Krakow Academy, Poland. He was a member of task forces to develop and implement a purchasing procedures in the largest Polish railway industry companies. His scientific interests concentrate on the issues of public procurement in national and European terms. Author of many articles focused on the field of public procurement. Since 2018, he is the Director of the Waste Management Department of the City Hall of Warsaw.
Erdem has a Master degree in International Relations and working as an international relations specialist at the Foreign Relations Department of Bornova Municipality. His main responsibilities in the department include tracking national and international funds, developing and implementing projects targeted to strengthen relationships between European networks, cities and sister cities of Bornova Municipality which concern various issues including social development, sustainability, environment, and innovation.


September 26, 2019, Thursday
08:30 - 09:30


09:30 - 10:00

Welcome/Opening Speeches

10:00 - 10:20
Aysun SOFUOGLU, URBANREC-TR Coordinator, Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey

URBANREC New approaches for the valorisation of URBAN bulky waste into high added value RECycled products, H2020 Project

10:20 - 11:00
Peter KURTH, BDE, Germany

EU policies for bulky/solid waste management and circular economy: Opportunities and threats

11:00 - 11:20

Coffee break

11:20 - 12:00
Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation

Bulky/solid waste management towards circular economy in Turkey: Current state and future projections

12:00 - 12:40
Piotr BARCZAK, European Environmental Bureau, Brussels

Bulky waste management for circular economy: a view of an NGO

12:40 - 14:00


14:00 - 14:40
Jean-Benoit BEL, URBANREC, ACR+, Brussels

Bulky Waste as a Resource: the view of an association of local/regional authorities

14:40 - 15:20
Terry L. TUDOR, University of Northampton, the UK

Strategies for local authorities to achieve higher recycling and reuse targets

15:20 - 15:40

Coffee break

15:40 - 16:20
Anne VANDEPUTTE, Board Member Reuse Shop Hageland and Former project leader at the Public Waste Agency of Flanders (OVAM), Belgium

Utilization of a reuse shop for bulky waste management, how to set up!

16:20 - 17:00
Nuri BASOĞLU, Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey

Consumers perception of reutilised/recycled products,

17:00 - 17:10
Aysun SOFUOĞLU, URBANREC-TR Coordinator, Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey

Closing Remarks

September 27, 2019, Friday
Bulky Waste for Wood – Plastic Composites
Goran SCHMIDT, University of Hamburg, Germany

Life Cycle Assessment of Recycled Wood Plastic Composites

José ROBLES, URBANREC, Ecofragmentation Europe, Spain

Fragmentation technology for urban bulky waste

Funda TIHMINLIOGLU, URBANREC, Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey

Industrial demonstration of wood-plastic composite products from bulky waste


Coffee break

Workshop: Results Obtained in the Four URBANREC Regions
Flanders, Belgium, Koen SMEETS, URBANREC, OVAM Public Waste Agency of Flanders, Belgium
Valencia, Spain, Ángel Rodríguez PÉREZ, URBANREC, CONSORCIO, Valencia, Spain
Warszawa, Poland, by Franciszek ŁAPECKI, URBANREC, URZAD (City Hall of Warsaw), Warszawa, Poland
Bornova, Turkey, by Erdem MUHTAROĞLU, URBANREC, Bornova, Turkey



Prof. Dr. Yusuf BARAN
Rector, Izmir Institute of Technology
Dr. Mustafa İDUĞ
Mayor, Bornova Municipality
Prof. Dr. Aysun SOFUOĞLU
Chair, Izmir Institute of Technology
Prof. Dr. Fikret İNAL
Izmir Institute of Technology
Izmir Institute of Technology
Prof. Dr. Sait Cemil SOFUOĞLU
Izmir Institute of Technology


Thank you for your interest. The conference reached the maximum capacity. Registration is closed.

The conference will take place in Izmir, one of the oldest cities of the Mediterranean that has been of historical importance during the last 5,000 years. The ancient cities of Ephesus and Pergamon, the House of Virgin Mary are within an hour of travel, while Troya and Roman Spa Town of Hierapolis are also close by. Touristic famous places like Çeşme, a district of Izmir, provide lovely sunbathing, wind surfing, and kite boarding shores with five-star hotels.

The conference venue is Wyndham Grand İzmir Özdilek which is a five-star hotel on Izmir Bay shore ( For reservation, please contact the hotel by writing an email to Mrs. Emel SENOL ( Please mention 26-27 September IYTE URBANREC Event for a reduced price.

All you need about and how to get by in Izmir can be found at

If needed, you may obtain a visa through an online system: or from Turkish Embassies in your country.

URBANREC Konferansı Türkiye
Click here to download the Conference Poster.


Prof.Dr. Aysun SOFUOĞLU

Phone: +90 232-750-6650 E-mail:

Prof. Dr. Fikret İNAL

Phone: +90 232-750-6654 E-mail:

Fax: +90 232-750-6645

Chemical Engineering Department, Izmir Institute of Technology, Gülbahçe, Urla 35430 İzmir, TURKEY